Sunday, October 9, 2011

Treat America Trick China Halloween

China must love Halloween, because they are happy to have jobs. Mexico gets a sweet treat from Halloween too. While most of the plastic decorations at the local Wal-Mart are imported from china; many of the candy treats are made in Mexico. Hershey’s, the iconic American candy maker has shut down factories in Hershey Pennsylvania and moved production to Mexico. Here is ten ways to treat local business, farmers and US manufacturer,s all while helping the environment. 

1. Get your costume at Goodwill, it will be a lot of fun to roam the store and pick out a unique original costume. Hey while your there keep your eyes open for vintage T’s, or hoodies, they are worth a fortune in New York and soon to be high fashion statements. Could be worth some money too, “Where’s The Beef",” Return of The Jedi, You will be helping the environment by reusing, helping the disabled by supporting jobs, and keeping money in your local economy.
2. Decorate with produce from your local farmers market. Gourds come in crazy funky fall shapes and colors. An exacto knife and some cotton twine will make hanging decorations. Get a funky pumpkin, google pumpkin carving patterns, and make your own Crazy JACK-O-LANTERN(PICS). Its fun and roasted pumpkin seeds are good too. Oh yea its also cheap and entertaining. 
3. Many schools, churches and civic groups host hayrides, haunted houses or fall festivals.  Good entertainment, great for a date, fun with the kids too and it supports local non-profits while keeping your money in the community.  Google Local or a Bing search will usually point you in the right direction.  
4.  Buy American made candy, decorations, and costumes from 
USA-Mart @ Amazon.
 Hershey has moved some of its production facilities to Mexico. Get some handmade pralines from New Orleans to treat the lil devils.  Or make some candied apples with melted Red Hots candy, or caramel.  
5.  Get out and do something; catch a high school football game next Friday night, or the local college next Saturday.  Dine in a local restaurant and go check out some live music.  

It is real easy to help the US economy while helping our neighbors too.  Buy your goods from as close to you as possible.  It supports local jobs, reduces transportation cost, and benefits small business people.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bubba & Boudreaux Humor

 Bubba & Boudreaux walk into a restaurant. While having a bite to eat, they talk about their moonshine operation.

Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough. After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in

real distress.

Bubbba looks at her and says, 'Kin ya swallar?' The woman shakes her head no. Then he asks,'Kin ya breathe?'The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head no.

Boudreaux walks over to the woman, lifts up her dress, yanks down her drawers and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his tongue 

The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm and the obstruction flies out of her mouth. As she begins to breathe again, the Boudreaux walks slowly back to his table.

Bubba says, 'Ya know, I'd heerd of that there 'Hind Lick Maneuver' but I ain't niver seed nobody do it!'

Monday, August 8, 2011

Be Great at Something

I went to a reasaurant today that had every dish I could think of listed in their menu.  I did not know what to order because I was overwhelmed by all the items. Some restaurants try to be something they are not.  I am not going to order lasagna off the menu at a Mexican restaurant.  At a Chinese restaurant I am not going to order enchiladas.  Staple items such as a hamburger or chicken sandwich might be OK as long as the menu item does not add items to inventory.  A kids menu with the usual staples (chicken fingers, hot dog etc...) are acceptable; even necessary if your core customers have children.  Stick with what you are good at.  Review your menu and compare it to your local chain restaurant.  It should follow the same general pattern.  Chain Restaurants (Chili's. Applebee's, Outback, etc...) use the latest market reasearch trends and sample markets to test the effectivness of their menu offerings.  You will notice in each catagory they offer the traditional and highlight their speciality items.  Your menu should be similar.  Your speciality item does not have to be a reinvention of the wheel.  COLD 20 OZ Glass Mugs of draft rootbeer could make a hamburger stand shine.  Mexican restaurants are often juged by their Margharitas rather than the taste of their food.  Pick something and make it famous.  People will remember the greatest_________ of their life and talk about it to all their friends.         

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Conscience Voice of "Restrepo" Volunteers to Return to Afghanistan

Keep It Professional ALWAYS!

The food business is a business built on personal relationships.  Your guest are trusting you with what they put in their bodies.  Clients become friends and friends become clients.  Business is business regardless of who your client is.  Therefore it is important to keep the business relationship professional.  I am referring to all those handshake deals that are made everyday.  I have learned the hard-way that the details of those deals sometimes get foggy.  In order to keep your friends make sure you follow up that handshake deal with a proposal.  Put the menu paper.  Tell your client what products and services you will provide.  Then  state the price and terms you agreed upon.  Have your client a receipt for the money they pay you.  I was often hesitant about writing business proposals for a friends wedding or my mothers anniversary party but I found that it is a stress reliever.  Many times it helps work out potential problems before they ever happen.    Make sure and send a proposal as soon as possible after the conclusion of the conversation that it concerns.  That is when the details are fresh to you and your client.  This also gives both parties the ability to correct any misunderstandings.  Revisit the proposal before the event in order to confirm the details and insure coordination. Below you will find a simple catering proposal.  It is not fancy or full of legalities and it states exactly what I am going to do, for how many guest, and what I am charging for my services.  Feel free to use it as a template or make your own.


Louisiana Catering Services of New Orleans agrees to provide the following menu on 26 December 2009 from 1-4 PM at _______________for the fixed price of $_______

 Po-Boy’s-Smoked Ham &Turkey, Roast Beef and Gravy, Fixings' Bar on New Orleans  French Bread
Creamy Creole Style Red Beans & Rice with Louisiana Smoked Sausage
Twice-Baked Potato Casserole
 Green Bean Casserole
 Triple Chocolate Layer Desert
 Banana Pudding

Price includes all utensils, plates, napkins, customary condiments and will include everything needed to serve the above items.  Price includes a serving time of 4 hours.  Additional time will be $_____ per hour. Price is based on ____ guests.  Customer must confirm change in number of guest 72 hours prior to event.  Customer is responsible for paying for all confirmed guest regardless of their attendance.  Customer is responsible for paying for all guests in attendance.

Michael Larey
Louisiana Catering Services


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Customization of the Burger

    There is nothing more nostalgic and American than the hamburger?  Just like the ones you remember when you were a kid, ground beef from the butcher shop, served on a Holsum bun that was too small for the burger, iceberg lettuce, sliced tomato (if it was summer).  Your sauce choice were probably mayonnaise or mustard.  That was it?  Did you have your choice cheeses, how about if you would like that burger made from  turkey, soy, buffalo, ground beef, ground veal, or ground tenderloin?  What grade beef would you prefer: prime, choice, organic, or Angus beef? How would you liked that cooked?  Now what type of bun would you prefer?  Wow, just the ingredients for a hamburger stand now could fill an entire restaurant cooler.        
    As customers become more educated about the health benefits of fresh foods.   As people also become aware of the chemical processing that pre-prepared meals undergo to increase their shelf life. They are going to begin demanding new flavorful, fruits and vegetables.  Farm fresh vegetables, organic choices, and gluten free diets are becoming lifestyle choices rather than trend diets.  Freedom of choice or customization is becoming an expectation.  Just look at the growth of small sandwich shops(Subway, Quizno's) that feature unlimited combinations of flavors, fresh vegetables, fresh bread and protein options.   
   Buffalo Wild Wings has traditional fast food items paired with unlimited sauces, choices in sports and teams, and a wide selection of beer, liquor and even wine.  Neighborhood cafes, restaurants and coffee shops are once again social gathering places.  Social media can let hundreds of people know their personal recommendations.  People now gather at coffee shops to write their blogs, post their whereabouts on Facebook while they shop for clothes.  
    The internet has even changed when people eat because the 9-5 factory jobs are gone and office workers find that they have as much to do form their internet connected office at home as they did at work.  Many of today's students take their college classes online at their leisure.  Unemployed people make up a large portion of the population now.  I know your thinking why do I want unemployed people in my establishment.  Look at it another way, they don't have anything else to do.  Many of these unemployed people are going to work for themselves, or free lancing on?  Yep the internet.  They are not trapped inside an office, a factory or their home.
    Apply this to your establishment, do you offer an internet connection, do you have comfortable seating, how about all day menu specials or afternoon appetizers?  What do you think the internet will make on the Restaurant Business?  Share them here.      

Thanks For the Opportunity!

Thank you for taking a moment out of your busy life to read about mine.  I have worked in every aspect of the restaurant business for the past 15 years.  I am also the Food Service Sergeant for the 1087th Transportation Company, Louisiana Army National Guard, in Jena, LA.  I love a big event, weddings, family reunions, football games, holidays and festivals.  I will share my knowledge, recipes, stories and recommendations in the pages that follow.  I hope you will follow along, ask questions and post advice of your own.  Feel free to share old family recipes, cooking techniques, and stories of your own.